
workspace 08-27-14

it’s Workspace Wednesday!!!

my workspace area is… tricky. technically, i have two. both are in desperate need of better organization. i’m currently in negotiations with the hubs to combine both but i’ll leave that great debate for another post….


first up is my “kitchenette space”. since we have a dining area, i converted this space to a small arts and crafts area. i bought two billy bookcases from Ikea to act as a divider from the back entry/kitchen. the desk is also from Ikea & the chair was a Goodwill find. an Ikea small table is home to my printer. behind the desk are built in cabinets with a few Recollections storage cubes on top. because storage in my kitchen is also lacking, my mixing bowls & baking dishes share cabinet space with supplies i haven’t touched in years & some glass jars and vases. i really need to go through that and donate stuff…
